Medical Care

If your pet has a sudden onset illness such as gastrointestinal upset, or chronic conditions, such as arthritis, our medical team is ready and dedicated to providing exceptional medical care to your pet, while keeping you informed every step of the way. Your pet's comfort level is of utmost importance and we have options for pain management for your pet.
A thorough medical history, physical exam, lab tests and imaging studies are available to help make a diagnosis and eliminate the possible causes of your pet's illness. This comprehensive medical approach helps to determine a prognosis and options for treatment or management of the condition.
We offer a variety of diagnostic tests both in-house and through the use of a referral laboratory. We have on-site blood analyzers, microscopes, and an x-ray machine that allows us to perform a comprehensive work-up on your pet. We process ear cytology tests, fecal floatations (parasite screening), urinalyses, and blood samples on on a daily basis.
We have a good relationship with veterinary specialists in the area and can refer your pet to them when the condition warrants it or at your request. We have a fully stocked pharmacy of medicines used to treat or manage your pet's condition. We are here to help you and your pet.